Test test test, is this thing on? Since becoming a mom, while that part of my heart is full, there has been another part of my heart that is missing.
I stopped writing. I stopped blogging.
A high school friend recently asked me why, and that empty part of my heart sank. Motherhood is a busy and chaotic and I’m homeschooling and raising chickens and it’s all I can do to post things on Instagram these days, let alone… blog.

And in this day and age of social media, I’m not even sure where blogs play a part anymore in this new culture of algorithms and addicting instant gratification of 3-second reels? But I knew, for that part of my empty heart, I needed to carve out a space here again, my own little slice of the internet, to use my words and stories to inspire and help others like I did in a past season of my life.
In this season, my life has come back around full circle to my love of beautiful homes. Through my new Instagram the past few years, I have shared our journey to turn an old brown home into our dream white farmhouse on a small acre of land here in Florida. From fixer upper projects, to learning to raise backyard chickens, to now learning how to grow my own groceries, I’ve learned a lot along the way. I look forward to blogging again with the purpose of encouraging you to celebrate growing where you are planted.
If you are still here with me from my old days of blogging, thank you for being here with me all these years and joining me here. If you are a new face finding me through Pinterest or social media, I’m so glad to make a new friend. Thank you for embracing my heart through my words I pour out. I always envision just you and I, sitting together with a cup of coffee on my front porch swing, sharing hearts and words of encouragement, speaking life over each of our journeys that God has us on.
You are important to me. And I hope you’ll introduce yourself to say hello whether here in a comment or a DM on our social medias. I look forward to getting to know you, or reconnecting with blogging friends from the past!

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